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Taylore Maxey (850) 488-4197
  • Event Begin Date:4/25/05 8:00 AM
    Event End Date: 4/25/05 5:00 PM

  • Event Detail:Action on Final Scores at Tallahassee Board Meeting - City Hall Commission Chambers
    Event Begin Date: 4/22/05 8:00 AM
    Event End Date: 4/22/05 5:00 PM

  • Event Detail:Cures Due by 5:00 P.M.
    Event Begin Date: 3/21/05 8:00 AM
    Event End Date: 3/21/05 5:00 PM

  • Event Begin Date: 3-19-15 4:00 PM
    Event End Date:3-19-15 5:00 PM
    Location:Florida Housing Finance Corporation 227 N. Bronough Street. 6th Floor - Seltzer Room Tallahassee FL 32301.

  • Event Detail:The workshop will be held to solicit comments and suggestions from interested persons relative to Florida Housing’s proposed Request for Applications (RFA) 2015-104 offering an estimated $6,210,000 of Housing Credit financing for the Preservation of existing affordable multifamily housing developments. The Preservation RFA may include an Elderly Transformative Preservation (ETP) funding goal and/or a Multifamily Energy Retrofit Program (MERP) funding goal or preference.
    Event Begin Date: 3-26-15 3:00 PM
    Event End Date:3-26-15 12:00 AM
    Location:Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Seltzer Room, Suite 6000, Tallahassee, Florida. The workshop will also be available by telephone. The call-in instructions are posted on the Florida Housing website Click here .
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Detail:This Review Committee Meeting will be to give the scores for the Applications submitted in response to Florida Housing Finance Corporation’s RFA 2015-102 Elderly Housing Community Loan and to submit a recommendation to Florida Housing’s Board of Directors.
    Event Begin Date: 4-14-15 2:00 PM
    Event End Date:4-14-15 12:00 AM
    Location:Rick Seltzer Conference Room, Suite 6000, Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Florida.

  • Event Detail:EHCL-Issue Preliminary Scores
    Event Begin Date: 2/28/05 8:00 AM
    Event End Date: 2/28/05 5:00 PM

  • Event Detail:Cycle Closes at 5:00 P.M.
    Event Begin Date: 2/7/05 8:00 AM
    Event End Date: 2/7/05 5:00 PM

  • Event Detail:2005 UC- Board approves final ranking
    Event Begin Date: 8/25/05 8:00 AM
    Event End Date: 8/25/05 5:00 PM
    Location:Tallahassee - City Hall Commission Chambers

  • Event Detail:11:00 a.m., Eastern Time, May 5, 2015, expected due date and time for RFA 2015-103 - Housing Credit Financing to Provide Affordable Multifamily Rental Housing that is a Part of Local Revitalization Initiatives
    Event Begin Date: 5-5-15 8:00 AM
    Event End Date: 5-5-15 11:00 AM
    Location:Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Suite 5000, Tallahassee, FL 32301
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Detail:This Review Committee Meeting will be to give the scores for the Applications submitted in response to Florida Housing Finance Corporation’s RFA 2015-103 for Housing Credit Financing to Provide Affordable Multifamily Rental Housing that is a Part of Local Revitalization Initiatives and to submit a recommendation to Florida Housing’s Board of Directors.
    Event Begin Date: 6-8-15 2:00 PM
    Event End Date: 6-8-15 12:00 AM
    Location:Rick Seltzer Conference Room, Suite 6000, Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Florida.

  • Event Detail:11:00 a.m., Eastern Time, June 23, 2015, expected due date and time for RFA 2015-104 - Housing Credit Financing for the Preservation of Existing Affordable Multifamily Housing Developments
    Event Begin Date: 6-23-15 8:00 AM
    Event End Date: 6-23-15 11:00 AM
    Location:Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Suite 5000, Tallahassee, FL 32301
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Detail:This Review Committee Meeting will be to give the scores for the Applications submitted in response to Florida Housing Finance Corporation’s RFA 2014-112 - Financing To Build Or Rehabilitate Smaller Permanent Supportive Housing Properties For Persons With Developmental Disabilities and to submit a recommendation to Florida Housing’s Board of Directors.
    Event Begin Date:1/13/15 9:30 AM
    Event End Date: 1/13/15 12:00 AM
    Location:Rick Seltzer Conference Room, Suite 6000, Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Florida
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Detail:This Review Committee Meeting will be to give the scores for the Applications submitted in response to Florida Housing Finance Corporation’s RFA 2015-104 for Housing Credit Financing for the Preservation of Existing Affordable Multifamily Housing Developments and to submit a recommendation to Florida Housing’s Board of Directors.
    Event Begin Date: 7-21-15 2:00 PM
    Event End Date: 7-21-15 12:00 AM
    Location:Rick Seltzer Conference Room, Suite 6000, Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Florida.

  • Event Detail:At this workshop, Florida Housing intends to solicit comments and suggestions from interested persons relative to the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) and State Apartment Incentive Loan (SAIL) program Request for Applications (RFA) issued in 2014, and the RFA process in general. Florida Housing hopes to encourage a good discussion about what’s working, what’s not working, and what can be improved. Additionally, we will also outline the tentative 2015/2016 RFA funding amounts and time line, and will be proffering conceptual changes that the Corporation is considering for future LIHTC and SAIL RFAs for further discussion.
    Event Begin Date: 5-28-15 1:30 PM
    Event End Date: 5-28-15 12:00 AM
    Location:Hyatt Regency Orlando Airport, 9300 Jeff Fuqua Blvd, Orlando FL 32827, 407-825-1234
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Type:Board Meetings
    Begin Date: 01/30/2015 8:30:00 AM
    End Date: 01/30/2016 3:00:00 PM
    Location:Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay  2900 Bayport Drive  Tampa, FL  33607  

  • Event Detail:This Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is open to Respondents proposing the retrofit of existing multifamily rental developments which limit at least 70 percent of tenancies to households with incomes at or below 80 percent of Area Median Income (AMI), that were originally Completed prior to January 1, 2005. Respondents will be required to commit to provide an affordability period on the Development’s set-aside units for a term of 10 years from the date the Multifamily Energy Retrofit Program (MERP) loan is closed. Respondents whose Principals have unresolved outstanding past due financial obligations to Florida Housing Finance Corporation, (“the Corporation”), and/or Respondents whose Principals are excluded from receiving Federal contracts according to the exclusions dataset posted on the System for Award Management (SAM) website. Under this program, the Corporation will select Responses on a first-come, first-served basis that meet certain eligibility requirements. Up to $7,533,084 of MERP grant and loan funds will be available. The Corporation may use a temporary County Award Tally in order to achieve geographic diversity. The Corporation is soliciting Responses from qualified Respondents that commit to make improvements which result in measurable energy savings and water conservation. Successful Respondents will also be required to conduct management staff training and resident outreach, as well as provide ongoing energy consumption data, as described in the RFQ. The Corporation will develop the retrofit scope of work in consultation with the Respondent, using an energy audit prepared by a Qualified Energy Auditor previously procured by the Corporation. MERP funding may be used for the following improvements: • Air infiltration (e.g., envelope sealing, duct sealing, weather stripping); and • Replacement of appliances with Energy Star qualified appliances, lighting, faucets/showerheads, HVAC systems, programmable thermostats, boilers/water heate
    Event Begin Date: 6-9-15 2:00 PM
    Event End Date: 6-9-15 12:00 AM
    Location:Rick Seltzer Conference Room, Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 North Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Florida, 32301-1329. The meeting will be accessible via phone #1-888-339-2688, Participant Code #171 445 07.
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Begin Date: 06-19-15 8:30 AM
    Event End Date: 06-19-15 3:00 PM
    Location:Tallahassee City Hall Commission Chambers  300 S. Adams Street  Tallahassee FL  32301

  • Event Begin Date: 08-07-15 8:30 AM
    Event End Date: 08-07-15 3:00 PM
    Location:Tallahassee City Hall Commission Chambers  300 S. Adams Street  Tallahassee FL  32301

  • Event Detail:The Rule Development Workshop will be held to discuss proposed changes to the Non-Competitive Application Package, which is incorporated by reference in subsection 67-21.003(1), F.A.C. The agenda for the workshop will be posted to the website prior to the workshop.
    Event Begin Date: 6-25-15 2:30 PM
    Event End Date: 6-25-15 12:00 AM
    Location:Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Seltzer Room, Suite 6000, Tallahassee, Florida. The workshop will also be available by telephone.

  • Event Begin Date: 10-30-15 8:30 AM
    Event End Date: 10-30-15 3:00 PM
    Location:Tallahassee City Hall Commission Chambers  300 S. Adams Street  Tallahassee FL  32301

  • Event Begin Date: 05-18-15 8:30 AM
    Event End Date: 05-18-15 5:00 PM
    Location:Hyatt Regency Jacksonville  225 E. Coastline Drive  Jacksonville FL  32202  904-588-1234

  • Event Detail:Florida Housing Finance Corporation announces a telephonic workshop on Wednesday, July 8, 2015 beginning at 2:00 p.m. E.S.T. The Corporation was appropriated $10 million in grant funds by the 2015 Legislature for housing for Persons with Developmental Disabilities as defined in Section 393.063, F.S. The purpose of this workshop is to inform interested parties and solicit input about the Corporation’s proposed approach to allocate the grant funds through a competitive Request for Applications process.
    Event Begin Date: 7-8-15 2:00 PM
    Event End Date: 7-8-15 12:00 AM
    Location:The meeting will be available in person at Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 North Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Florida, 32301-1329 and also available by phone. The instructions for dialing in are posted to the webpage
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Begin Date: 09/18/15 8:30 AM
    Event End Date: 09/18/15 3:00 PM
    Location: Hyatt Regency Coral Gables  50 Alhambra Plaza  Coral Gables, FL

  • Event Detail:The workshop will be held to solicit comments and suggestions from interested persons relative to Florida Housing’s proposed Geographic Request for Applications (RFAs) Nos. 2015-106 - Housing Credit Financing for Affordable Housing Developments Located in Medium and Small Counties, 2015-107 - Housing Credit Financing for Affordable Housing Developments Located in Broward, Duval, Hillsborough, Orange, Palm Beach, and Pinellas Counties, and 2015-108 – Housing Credit Financing for Affordable Housing Developments Located in Miami-Dade County.
    Event Begin Date: 7-16-15 2:00 PM
    Event End Date: 7-16-15 12:00 AM
    Location:Hyatt Regency Orlando Airport, 9300 Jeff Fuqua Blvd, Orlando FL

  • Event Detail:At the workshop, the Corporation plans to discuss the following items: • The proposed timeline for the 2015-16 funding cycle, with special attention on funding opportunities for rental housing for Persons with Special Needs. • A preliminary discussion about a draft Request for Applications (RFA) to award 13% of the available State Apartment Incentive Loan (SAIL) funds to finance housing for Persons with Special Needs. This RFA is proposed to be open to Non-Profit Applicants proposing new construction or acquisition and Moderate Rehabilitation/ Substantial Rehabilitation to create new Permanent Supportive Housing for Persons with Special Needs. “Persons with Special Needs” is defined in Section 420.0004 (13), Florida Statutes, as: o An adult person requiring independent living services in order to maintain housing or develop independent living skills and who has a Disabling Condition; o A young adult formerly in foster care who is eligible for services under Section 409.1451(5), F.S.; o A survivor of domestic violence as defined in Section 741.28, F.S.; or o A person receiving benefits under the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program or the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program or from veterans’ disability benefits; and • Alternative approaches to fund housing for homeless persons in rural areas. An agenda will be posted to the FHFC webpage prior to the meeting. Another webboard announcement will be sent out when this is available. The meeting will be held at Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 North Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Florida, 32301-1329 for interested parties who wish to attend in person. The workshop will also be accessible via telephone and the call-in information is posted to the Website The RFA is expected to be issued mid-August.
    Event Begin Date: 7-29-15 1:30 PM
    Event End Date: 7-29-15 12:00 AM
    Location:Rick Seltzer Conference Room, Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 North Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Florida, 32301-1329. The meeting will be accessible via phone #1-888-339-2688, Participant Code #310 176 30.
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Begin Date: 12/11/15 8:30 AM
    Event End Date: 12/11/15 3:00 PM
    Location:Orlando Airport Hyatt Regency 9300 Jeff Fuqua Blvd. Orlando FL 32827

  • Event Detail:This Request for Applications (RFA) is open to Applicants proposing the development of affordable, multifamily housing utilizing HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME-rental) Program funding in conjunction with Florida Housing-issued Multifamily Mortgage Revenue Bond (MMRB) Program funding and Non-Competitive Housing Credits. Under this RFA, Florida Housing Finance Corporation expects to have an estimated $25 million in HOME funding available for award.
    Event Begin Date: 8-11-15 9:30 AM
    Event End Date: 8-11-15 12:00 AM
    Location:Formal Conference Room, Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 North Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Florida, 32301-1329. The meeting will be accessible via phone #1-888-339-2688, Participant Code #872 700 42.
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Detail:11:00 a.m., Eastern Time, January 22, 2015, expected due date and time for RFA 2014-114 Housing Credit Financing for Affordable Housing Developments Located in Medium and Small Counties
    Event Begin Date:1/22/15 8:00 AM
    Event End Date: 1/22/15 11:00 AM
    Location:Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Suite 5000, Tallahassee, FL 32301
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Detail:The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Rule 67-21.003, F.A.C., was approved by the Board of Directors at the August 7, 2015 Board Meeting. Florida Housing Finance Corporation will hold a Rule Hearing concerning this Rule as the next step in the rulemaking process.
    Event Begin Date: 9-1-15 11:00 AM
    Event End Date: 9-1-15 12:00 AM
    Location:The Rule Hearing will be available by telephone or interested parties may attend in person at Florida Housing’s offices located at 227 N. Bronough Street, Seltzer Room, Suite 6000, Tallahassee, Florida.

  • Event Detail:This Review Committee Meeting will be to give the scores for the Applications submitted in response to Florida Housing Finance Corporation’s RFA 2014-114 Housing Credit Financing for Affordable Housing Developments Located in Medium and Small Counties and to submit a recommendation to Florida Housing’s Board of Directors.
    Event Begin Date:3/11/15 9:30 AM
    Event End Date: 3/11/15 12:00 AM
    Location:Rick Seltzer Conference Room, Suite 6000, Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Florida

  • Event Detail:11:00 a.m., Eastern Time, February 3, 2015, expected due date and time for RFA 2014-115 for Housing Credit Financing for Affordable Housing Developments Located in Broward, Duval, Hillsborough, Orange, Palm Beach, and Pinellas Counties
    Event Begin Date:2/3/15 8:00 AM
    Event End Date: 2/3/15 11:00 AM
    Location:Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Suite 5000, Tallahassee, FL 32301
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Detail:This Review Committee Meeting will be to discuss the Applications and answer any questions the Review Committee may have regarding the Applications submitted in response to Florida Housing Finance Corporation’s Request for Applications No. 2014-115 for Housing Credit Financing for Affordable Housing Developments Located in Broward, Duval, Hillsborough, Orange, Palm Beach, and Pinellas Counties. This meeting is not to present scores; that will be done at the next meeting on April 29, 2015.
    Event Begin Date:3/11/15 1:30 PM
    Event End Date: 3/11/15 12:00 AM
    Location:Rick Seltzer Conference Room, Suite 6000, Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Florida

  • Event Detail:This Review Committee Meeting will be to give the scores for the Applications submitted in response to Florida Housing Finance Corporation’s RFA 2014-115 for Housing Credit Financing for Affordable Housing Developments Located in Broward, Duval, Hillsborough, Orange, Palm Beach, and Pinellas Counties and to submit a recommendation to Florida Housing’s Board of Directors.
    Event Begin Date:4/29/15 9:30 AM
    Event End Date: 4/29/15 12:00 AM
    Location:Rick Seltzer Conference Room, Suite 6000, Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Florida

  • Event Detail:The workshop will be held to solicit comments and suggestions from interested persons relative to Florida Housing’s proposed Request for Applications (RFA) 2015-112 for SAIL Financing of Affordable Multifamily Housing Developments to be used in Conjunction with Tax-Exempt Bond Financing and Non-Competitive Housing Credits.
    Event Begin Date: 9-3-15 1:30 PM
    Event End Date: 9-3-15 12:00 AM
    Location:Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Seltzer Room, Suite 6000, Tallahassee, Florida. The workshop will also be available by telephone. The call-in instructions are posted on the Florida Housing website
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Detail:11:00 a.m., Eastern Time, October 9, 2015, expected due date and time for RFA 2015-105 Financing To Build Smaller Permanent Supportive Housing Properties For Persons With Developmental Disabilities
    Event Begin Date: 10-9-15 8:00 AM
    Event End Date: 10-9-15 11:00 AM
    Location:Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Suite 5000, Tallahassee, FL 32301
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Detail:This Review Committee Meeting will be to discuss the Applications and answer any questions the Review Committee may have regarding the Applications submitted in response to Florida Housing Finance Corporation’s Request for Applications No. 2014-116 for Housing Credit Financing for Affordable Housing Developments Located in Miami-Dade County.  This meeting is not to present scores; that will be done at the next meeting on April 29, 2015.
    Event Begin Date:3/11/15 2:00 PM
    Event End Date: 3/11/15 12:00 AM
    Location:Rick Seltzer Conference Room, Suite 6000, Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Florida

  • Event Detail:11:00 a.m., Eastern Time, December 3, 2015, expected due date and time for RFA 2015-109 - SAIL Financing for Smaller Permanent Supportive Housing Properties For Persons With Special Needs
    Event Begin Date: 12-3-15 8:00 AM
    Event End Date: 12-3-15 11:00 AM
    Location:Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Suite 5000, Tallahassee, FL 32301
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Detail:This Review Committee Meeting will be to give the scores for the Applications submitted in response to Florida Housing Finance Corporation’s RFA 2014-116 for Housing Credit Financing for Affordable Housing Developments Located in Miami-Dade County and to submit a recommendation to Florida Housing’s Board of Directors.
    Event Begin Date:4/29/15 2:30 PM
    Event End Date: 4/29/15 12:00 AM
    Location:Rick Seltzer Conference Room, Suite 6000, Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Florida

  • Event Detail:11:00 a.m., Eastern Time, October 20, 2015, expected due date and time for RFA 2015-110 for Financing of Affordable Multifamily Housing Developments with HOME Funding to be used in conjunction with Florida Housing-Issued MMRB and Non-Competitive HC
    Event Begin Date: 10-20-15 8:00 AM
    Event End Date: 10-20-15 11:00 AM
    Location:Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Suite 5000, Tallahassee, FL 32301
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Detail:This Review Committee Meeting will be to give the scores for the Applications submitted in response to Florida Housing Finance Corporation’s RFA 2015-105 Financing To Build Smaller Permanent Supportive Housing Properties For Persons With Developmental Disabilities and to submit a recommendation to Florida Housing’s Board of Directors.
    Event Begin Date: 12-1-15 9:30 AM
    Event End Date: 12-1-15 12:00 AM
    Location:Rick Seltzer Conference Room, Suite 6000, Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Florida
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Detail:11:00 a.m., Eastern Time, February 10, 2015, expected due date and time for RFA 2014-116 for Housing Credit Financing for Affordable Housing Developments Located in Miami-Dade County
    Event Begin Date:2/10/15 8:00 AM
    Event End Date: 2/10/15 11:00 AM
    Location:Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Suite 5000, Tallahassee, FL 32301
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Detail:This Review Committee Meeting will be to give the scores for the Applications submitted in response to Florida Housing Finance Corporation’s RFA 2015-110 for Financing of Affordable Multifamily Housing Developments with HOME Funding to be used in conjunction with Florida Housing-Issued MMRB and Non-Competitive HC and to submit a recommendation to Florida Housing’s Board of Directors.
    Event Begin Date: 12-2-15 10:00 AM
    Event End Date: 12-2-15 12:00 AM
    Location:Rick Seltzer Conference Room, Suite 6000, Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Florida
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Detail:11:00 a.m., Eastern Time, October 15, 2015, expected due date and time for RFA 2015-106 Housing Credit Financing for Affordable Housing Developments Located in Medium and Small Counties
    Event Begin Date: 10-15-15 8:00 AM
    Event End Date: 10-15-15 11:00 AM
    Location:Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Suite 5000, Tallahassee, FL 32301
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Detail:11:00 a.m., Eastern Time, November 5, 2015, expected due date and time for RFA 2015-107 for Housing Credit Financing for Affordable Housing Developments Located in Broward, Duval, Hillsborough, Orange, Palm Beach, and Pinellas Counties
    Event Begin Date: 11-5-15 8:00 AM
    Event End Date: 11-5-15 11:00 AM
    Location:Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Suite 5000, Tallahassee, FL 32301
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Detail:This Review Committee Meeting will be to discuss the Applications and answer any questions the Review Committee may have regarding the Applications submitted in response to Florida Housing Finance Corporation’s Request for Applications No. 2014-117 for SAIL Funding to Preserve Farmworker and Commercial Fishing Worker Housing. This meeting is not to present scores; that will be done at the next meeting on March 11, 2015.
    Event Begin Date:2/11/15 10:00 AM
    Event End Date: 2/11/15 12:00 AM
    Location:Rick Seltzer Conference Room, Suite 6000, Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Florida

  • Event Detail:11:00 a.m., Eastern Time, November 19, 2015, expected due date and time for RFA 2015-108 for Housing Credit Financing for Affordable Housing Developments Located in Miami-Dade County
    Event Begin Date: 11-19-15 8:00 AM
    Event End Date: 11-19-15 11:00 AM
    Location:Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Suite 5000, Tallahassee, FL 32301
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Detail:This Review Committee Meeting will be to give the scores for the Applications submitted in response to Florida Housing Finance Corporation’s RFA 2014-117 for SAIL Funding to Preserve Farmworker and Commercial Fishing Worker Housing and to submit a recommendation to Florida Housing’s Board of Directors.
    Event Begin Date:3/9/15 1:30 PM
    Event End Date: 3/9/15 12:00 AM
    Location:Rick Seltzer Conference Room, Suite 6000, Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Florida

  • Event Detail:The workshop will be held to solicit comments and suggestions from interested persons relative to Florida Housing’s proposed Request for Applications (RFA) 2015-111 offering an estimated $5,901,631 of Housing Credit financing for the Preservation of existing affordable multifamily housing developments.
    Event Begin Date: 10-7-15 2:00 PM
    Event End Date: 10-7-15 12:00 AM
    Location:Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, 6th Floor Seltzer Room, Tallahassee, Florida. The workshop will also be available by telephone. The call-in instructions are posted on the Florida Housing website
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Detail:The workshop will be held to solicit comments and suggestions from interested persons relative to Florida Housing’s proposed Request for Applications (RFA) 2015-103 offering an estimated $2,300,000 of Housing Credits for the development and revitalization of affordable, multifamily housing, with a focus on proposed Developments that tie into a local initiative(s) to revitalize a neighborhood or community.
    Event Begin Date:2/5/15 2:00 PM
    Event End Date: 2/5/15 12:00 AM
    Location:Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Seltzer Room, Suite 6000, Tallahassee, Florida. The workshop will also be available by telephone. The call-in instructions will be posted on the Florida Housing website prior to the workshop.
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Detail:11:00 a.m., Eastern Time, November 13, 2015, expected due date and time for RFA 2015-115 Multifamily Energy Retrofit Program (MERP).
    Event Begin Date: 11-13-15 8:00 AM
    Event End Date: 11-13-15 11:00 AM
    Location:Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Suite 5000, Tallahassee, FL 32301
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Detail:11:00 a.m., Eastern Time, March 17, 2015, expected due date and time for RFA 2015-102 Elderly Housing Community Loan
    Event Begin Date:3/17/15 8:00 AM
    Event End Date: 3/17/15 11:00 AM
    Location:Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Suite 5000, Tallahassee, FL 32301
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Detail:This Review Committee Meeting will be to give the scores for the Applications submitted in response to Florida Housing Finance Corporation’s RFA 2015-115 for RFA 2015-115 – Multifamily Energy Retrofit Program (MERP) and to submit a recommendation to Florida Housing’s Board of Directors.
    Event Begin Date: 12-2-15 2:00 PM
    Event End Date: 12-2-15 12:00 AM
    Location:Rick Seltzer Conference Room, Suite 6000, Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Florida
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Detail:This Review Committee Meeting will be to discuss the Applications submitted in response to RFA 2015-101 - SAIL Financing for Smaller Permanent Supportive Housing Properties For Persons With Special Needs and answer any questions the Review Committee may have regarding the Applications.
    Event Begin Date:2/23/15 2:00 PM
    Event End Date: 2/23/15 12:00 AM
    Location:Rick Seltzer Conference Room, Suite 6000, Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Florida
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Detail:This Request for Applications (RFA) is soliciting Applications from qualified Applicants that commit to make retrofit improvements to qualified multifamily rental Developments that result in measurable energy savings and water conservation; to provide ongoing property management, staff education, and resident outreach to maximize the benefits of the retrofit; and to submit reports on energy use/savings. The Corporation will develop the retrofit scope of work in consultation with the Applicant using an Energy Audit/Critical Repair Needs Analysis (CRNA) prepared by a Qualified Energy Auditor previously procured by the Corporation.
    Event Begin Date: 10-15-15 2:30 PM
    Event End Date: 10-15-15 12:00 AM
    Location:Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, 6th Floor Seltzer Room, Tallahassee, Florida. The workshop will also be available by telephone. The call-in instructions are posted on the Florida Housing website
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Detail:This Review Committee Meeting will be to give the scores for the Applications submitted in response to Florida Housing Finance Corporation’s RFA 2015-101 - SAIL Financing for Smaller Permanent Supportive Housing Properties For Persons With Special Needs and to submit a recommendation to Florida Housing’s Board of Directors.
    Event Begin Date:3/9/15 2:30 PM
    Event End Date: 3/9/15 12:00 AM
    Location:Rick Seltzer Conference Room, Suite 6000, Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Florida
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Detail:11:00 a.m., Eastern Time, November 10, 2015, expected due date and time for RFA 2015-112 SAIL Financing of Affordable Multifamily Housing Developments to be used in conjunction with Tax-Exempt Bond Financing and Non-Competitive Housing Credits
    Event Begin Date: 11-10-15 8:00 AM
    Event End Date: 11-10-15 11:00 AM
    Location:Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Suite 5000, Tallahassee, FL 32301
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Detail:This Review Committee Meeting will be to give the scores for the Applications submitted in response to Florida Housing Finance Corporation’s RFA 2015-112 SAIL Financing of Affordable Multifamily Housing Developments to be used in conjunction with Tax-Exempt Bond Financing and Non-Competitive Housing Credits and to submit a recommendation to Florida Housing’s Board of Directors.
    Event Begin Date: 12-1-15 2:00 PM
    Event End Date: 12-1-15 12:00 AM
    Location:Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, 6th Floor Seltzer Conference Room, Tallahassee, Florida.

  • Event Detail:The workshop will be held to solicit comments and suggestions from interested persons relative to Florida Housing’s proposed Request for Applications (RFA) 2015-113 – offering an estimated $2,185,789 of Housing Credits for the development and revitalization of affordable, multifamily housing, with a focus on proposed Developments that tie into a local initiative(s) to revitalize a neighborhood or community.
    Event Begin Date: 11-5-15 3:00 PM
    Event End Date: 11-5-15 12:00 AM
    Location:Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, 6th Floor Seltzer Room, Tallahassee, Florida. The workshop will also be available by telephone. The call-in information is posted on the Florida Housing website
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Begin Date: 10-29-15 4:00 PM
    Event End Date: 10-29-15 5:00 PM
    Location:Florida Housing Finance Corporation Seltzer Room - 6th Floor 227 N. Bronough Street Tallahassee FL 32301

  • Event Detail:11:00 a.m., Eastern Time, December 4, 2015, expected due date and time for RFA 2015-111 - Housing Credit Financing for the Preservation of Existing Affordable Multifamily Housing Developments
    Event Begin Date: 12-4-15 8:00 AM
    Event End Date: 12-4-15 11:00 AM
    Location:Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Suite 5000, Tallahassee, FL 32301
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Detail:The workshop will be held to solicit comments and suggestions from interested persons relative to Florida Housing’s proposed Request for Applications (RFA)2016-101 HOME Financing to be used for Rental Developments in Rural Areas. $15 million in HOME funding will be made available through this RFA for development of affordable, multifamily housing in rural development areas. 15% of this funding will be set aside for CHDO Developments.
    Event Begin Date: 12-14-15 2:00 PM
    Event End Date: 12-14-15 12:00 AM
    Location:Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, 6th Floor Seltzer Room, Tallahassee, Florida. The workshop will also be available by telephone. The call-in information is posted on the Florida Housing website
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Detail:11:00 a.m., Eastern Time, December 17, 2015, expected due date and time for RFA 2015-113 - Housing Credit Financing to Provide Affordable Multifamily Rental Housing that is a Part of Local Revitalization Initiatives
    Event Begin Date: 12-17-15 8:00 AM
    Event End Date: 12-17-15 11:00 AM
    Location:Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, Suite 5000, Tallahassee, FL 32301
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • Event Detail:The workshop will be held to solicit comments and suggestions from interested persons relative to Florida Housing’s proposed Request for Applications (RFA) 2016-102 – offering Housing Credits and SAIL financing for the development of Homeless, multifamily housing located in Medium and Large Counties.
    Event Begin Date: 12-17-15 2:00 PM
    Event End Date: 12-17-15 12:00 AM
    Location:Florida Housing Finance Corporation, 227 N. Bronough Street, 6th Floor Seltzer Room, Tallahassee, Florida. The workshop will also be available by telephone. The call-in information is posted on the Florida Housing website
    Click here for more detail on this event.

  • TALLAHASSEE - Florida Housing Finance Corporation (Florida Housing) was recently notified that the United States Department of Treasury (Treasury) approved changes to the Florida Hardest-Hit Fund (HHF) unemployment programs that will result in more eligible homeowners qualifying for assistance. Beginning immediately, hardship criteria has been expanded to include situations where death, divorce or disability adversely affects the homeowner’s (or homeowners’) ability to pay their first mortgage.

    The homeowner(s) must still meet other eligibility criteria to qualify for assistance. Program benefits, eligibility criteria and answers to frequently asked questions are available on the official website, at Additionally, homeowners in Florida who have not previously applied for assistance may do so using this website.

    Homeowners who previously applied for HHF program assistance, but were deemed ineligible at that time due to not having an eligible hardship—meaning the financial hardship occurred as a result of death, divorce or disability—may request their application be reconsidered by contacting the HHF Advisor Agency that initially worked with them; they do not need to start a new application. If previous applicants cannot remember their assigned agency, or if homeowners have other questions, they may call the Florida HHF Toll-Free Information Line at 1-(877) 863-5244.

    Florida HHF unemployment/underemployment programs are as follows:

    To assist unemployed or underemployed homeowners, the Unemployment Mortgage Assistance Program (UMAP) will provide up to 12 months of payments (with a cap of $24,000, whichever comes first) paid directly to the mortgage lender. Also, up to $18,000 can be paid up-front to help satisfy all or some of a delinquent first mortgage before UMAP payments commence. Total assistance available is up to $42,000.
    To assist a homeowner(s) who has returned to work or recovered from unemployment or underemployment, the Mortgage Loan Reinstatement Payment (MLRP) Program will provide up to $25,000 as a one-time payment to help satisfy all or some of a delinquent first mortgage.

    First announced on February 19, 2010, by the US Department of the Treasury (Treasury), the “Housing Finance Agency (HFA) Innovation Fund for the Hardest-Hit Housing Markets” (HFA Hardest-Hit Fund) provided $7.6 billion in federal funding to states hardest hit (18 states and the District of Columbia) by the aftermath of the burst of the housing bubble. Florida’s total allocation currently stands at more than $1 billion, of which approximately $566.3 million has been committed for more than 21,700 homeowners through five Florida HHF programs.

  • TALLAHASSEE - Florida Housing's upcoming Board of Directors' Meeting will be held on Friday, January 30, in Tampa. The meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. For Board Package information, please click here.

    Event Details:
    Who: Florida Housing's Board of Directors
    What: Board Meeting
    When: Friday, January 30, 2015, beginning at 8:30 a.m.
    Where: Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay
    2900 Bayport Drive
    Tampa, FL 33607

    For more information on this Board Meeting, please contact Sheila Freaney, Board Liaison, at 850-488-4197 or via email at
    Additional Resources and Links
    Meet Florida Housing's Board of Directors

  • TALLAHASSEE - Florida Housing's upcoming Board of Directors' Meeting will be held on Friday, May 8, in Jacksonville. The meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. For Board Package information, please click here.
    Event Details:
    Who: Florida Housing's Board of Directors
    What: Board Meeting
    When: Friday, May 8, 2015, beginning at 8:30 a.m.
    Where: Hyatt Regency Jacksonville
    225 East Coastline Drive
    Jacksonville, FL 32202
    For more information on this Board Meeting, please contact Sheila Freaney, Board Liaison, at 850-488-4197 or via email at
    Additional Resources and Links
    Meet Florida Housing's Board of Directors

  • TALLAHASSEE - Florida Housing's upcoming Board of Directors' Meeting will be held on Friday, June 19, in Tallahassee. The meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. For Board Package information, please click here.

    Event Details:
    Who: Florida Housing's Board of Directors
    What: Board Meeting
    When: Friday, June 19, 2015, beginning at 8:30 a.m.
    Where: Tallahassee City Hall, City Commission Chambers
    300 South Adams Street
    Tallahassee, FL 32301

    For more information on this Board Meeting, please contact Sheila Freaney, Board Liaison, at 850-488-4197 or via email at
    Additional Resources and Links
    Meet Florida Housing's Board of Directors

  • TALLAHASSEE - Florida Housing's upcoming Board of Directors' Meeting will be held on Friday, August 7, in Tallahassee. The meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. For Board Package information, please click here.

    Event Details:
    Who: Florida Housing's Board of Directors
    What: Board Meeting
    When: Friday, August 7, 2015, beginning at 8:30 a.m.
    Where: Tallahassee City Hall, City Commission Chambers
    300 South Adams Street
    Tallahassee, FL 32301

    For more information on this Board Meeting, please contact Sheila Freaney, Board Liaison, at 850-488-4197 or via email at
    Additional Resources and Links
    Meet Florida Housing's Board of Directors

  • TALLAHASSEE - Florida Housing's upcoming Board of Directors' Meeting will be held on Friday, October 30, in Tallahassee. The meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. For Board Package information, please click here.

    Event Details:
    Who: Florida Housing's Board of Directors
    What: Board Meeting
    When: Friday, October 30, 2015, beginning at 8:30 a.m.
    Where: Tallahassee City Hall, City Commission Chambers
    300 South Adams Street
    Tallahassee, FL 32301

    For more information on this Board Meeting, please contact Sheila Freaney, Board Liaison, at 850-488-4197 or via email at
    Additional Resources and Links
    Meet Florida Housing's Board of Directors

  • TALLAHASSEE - Florida Housing's upcoming Board of Directors' Meeting will be held on Friday, December 11, in Orlando. The meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. For Board Package information, please click here.

    Event Details:
    Who: Florida Housing's Board of Directors
    What: Board Meeting
    When: Friday, December 11, 2015, beginning at 8:30 a.m.
    Where: Hyatt Regency Orlando Airport
    9300 Jeff Fuqua Blvd.
    Orlando, FL 32827

    For more information on this Board Meeting, please contact Sheila Freaney, Board Liaison, at 850-488-4197 or via email at
    Additional Resources and Links
    Meet Florida Housing's Board of Directors

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