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Office of Inspector General

The Office of Inspector General (OIG) is an essential component of Florida Housing that provides independent, objective assurance and consulting services designed to add value and improve operations.

The OIG serves as a central point of coordination and is responsible for activities that provide accountability, integrity, and efficiency. This is accomplished by the OIG conducting independent audits, investigations and other accountability activities. The OIG’s purpose is to promote economy and efficiency, and to prevent and detect fraud, waste, and abuse in programs and operations carried out or financed by Florida Housing.

Organizational Structure and Independence

The Inspector General reports administratively to Florida Housing’s Executive Director and functionally to the Florida Housing Board of Directors/Audit Committee. The main functions within the OIG include internal audits, investigations, and other consulting and technical services, which are designed to comply with Florida Statutes.

Professional Standards

The OIG subscribes to the following standards in the conduct of internal audit and investigation activities:

Duties and Responsibilities

As outlined in Section 20.055, Florida Statutes, some of the specific duties and responsibilities of the Inspector General include:

  • Providing direction for, supervising, and coordinating audits, investigations, and management reviews relating to the programs and operations of Florida Housing;
  • Keeping the Board of Directors informed of fraud, abuses, and deficiencies relating to programs and operations administered or financed by Florida Housing, recommending corrective actions concerning fraud, abuses, and deficiencies, and reporting on the progress made in implementing corrective action;
  • Reviewing the actions taken by Florida Housing to improve program performance and making recommendations for improvement;
  • Conducting, supervising, and coordinating activities that promote economy and efficiency and prevent or detect fraud, waste, and abuse; and
  • Assessing the reliability and validity of information provided on performance measures and standards and making recommendations as needed.
Investigations Section

The Investigations Section works to detect, deter, prevent and eradicate fraud, waste, abuse, mismanagement, misconduct and other abuses involving program benefit applicants/recipients, Florida Housing employees, and contracted entities of Florida Housing. The section receives complaints and requests for assistance from many sources, including the Office of the Chief Inspector General, Florida Housing or contracted agency employees, and the general public via website complaint form submission, telephone, letter, fax, or email.

Internal Audit

The Internal Audit Section provides independent, objective assurance, and consulting services designed to add value and improve operations. It helps Florida Housing accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluating and improving the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes. Additionally, the Internal Audit Section has the responsibility to assist Florida Housing management in determining whether adequate controls exist and risks are mitigated to ensure the orderly and efficient conduct of business.

File a Complaint

If you are aware of fraud, waste, abuse, mismanagement or misconduct involving a Florida Housing employee, program benefit applicant/recipient, or contracted provider, please complete and submit the online complaint form for the OIG to review at Report Fraud, Waste or Abuse or send an email to

If you have a complaint and/or need assistance regarding a program benefit, advisor/advisory agency, building management, or any other issue that does not fall in to one of the above categories, please submit it to Public Inquiries.

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