Florida Housing’s strategic plan provides a road map of how programs will be targeted over several years. It is not meant to be a comprehensive plan that includes every facet of what Florida Housing does, but instead provides a big picture view of the Corporation’s most important priorities.
On September 19, 2014, Florida Housing’s Board of Directors adopted the 2014 Florida Housing Finance Corporation Strategic Plan. The plan reflects current housing conditions and opportunities, projects future issues and concerns, and provides priorities to guide operations over the next few years. It also includes performance measures and targets to benchmark our progress.
The Quick Links box on this page accesses various documents and steps taken during the nine month process of creating the 2014 Plan as well as key stakeholder input that informed and enhanced the plan. Additional comments about the plan may be sent anytime to John Toman via email at comments@floridahousing.org or by mail at 227 N. Bronough St, Suite 5000, Tallahassee FL 32301.
Florida Housing reports quarterly on the performance metrics adopted in the Strategic Plan, and pursuant to the Affordable Housing Services Contract with the Department of Economic Opportunity required by section 420.0006, Florida Statutes. Quarterly reports are sent to the Department and after review, the Department director certifies whether Florida Housing is in compliance with these statutory requirements. Links to the most recent quarterly reports are found in the Quick Links box. In addition, Florida Housing’s Board of Directors reviews a set of programmatic Dashboard Metrics in conjunction with each board meeting.
Florida Housing also contracts with an outside expert to assess the Economic Impact of Florida Housing’s programs. A link to the most recent report is found in the Quick Links box.
We also carry out and update leveraging calculations to tell us how many units/families are served for every $1 million in State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) and State Apartment Incentive Loan (SAIL) program funds appropriated, as well as how much in private and other investments are brought to the table to finance these units. See the leveraging link in the Quick Links box.