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Taylore Maxey (850) 488-4197
For Immediate Release:

Elderly Transformative Preservation Workshop

Event Detail:Florida Housing Finance Corporation expects to make financing available through one or more Requests for Applications (RFAs) to finance preservation of one or more existing affordable rental developments currently serving elders. The objective is to transform these developments into properties that provide design and service supports to help elders stay in their homes as long as possible by bringing health and long-term care services and supports into these properties. This Elderly Transformative Preservation workshop will describe the existing affordable rental properties that will be eligible for this funding; scoring criteria for applications, including developer experience, operating and managing experience, enhanced resident services coordination, onsite health and wellness services, and access to community based services; and other application requirements. A development awarded Elderly Transformative Preservation funding must include refinancing of the property; rehabilitation of all units with enough common space provided for specific required activities, specific required features and resident services, and creation of partnerships with local health care supportive service providers as appropriate to provide onsite services to residents. The Corporation proposes to include the Elderly Transformative Preservation set-aside as part of a broader State Apartment Incentive Loan (SAIL) RFA, to be used in conjunction with Tax-Exempt Bonds and 4 percent Housing Credits. The SAIL RFA will also include financing for developments to serve the Family and Elderly demographics. The Corporation also expects to include the Elderly Transformative Preservation set-aside as part of a Housing Credit (9 percent) Preservation RFA later in the year. Prior to the workshop, the Corporation will publish a discussion paper and an agenda which will be posted to the Florida Housing website.
Event Begin Date:6/10/14 9:30 AM
Event End Date: 6/10/14 12:00 AM
Location:The workshop will be available by telephone or interested parties may attend in person at Florida Housing’s offices located at 227 N. Bronough Street, Seltzer Room, Suite 6000, Tallahassee, Florida. The call-in information is posted on the Florida Housing website.
Click here for more detail on this event.

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