Hardest Hit Fund
Florida’s Hardest-Hit Fund Down Payment Assistance (DPA) Program will be available March 4, 2019. Visit Florida Housing’s Homebuyer Programs Wizard for more program information at that time.
First announced on February 19, 2010, by the US Department of the Treasury (Treasury), the “Housing Finance Agency (HFA) Innovation Fund for the Hardest-Hit Housing Markets” (HFA Hardest-Hit Fund) provides federal funding to states hardest hit by the aftermath of the burst of the housing bubble. To date, $9.6 billion has been allocated to 18 states and the District of Columbia; Florida’s share totals more than $1 billion. The Florida Hardest-Hit Fund (HHF) Programs are as follows:
Hardest-Hit Fund Down Payment Assistance (HHF-DPA) Program - OPENS March 4, 2019
Provides qualified first-time homebuyers with up to $15,000 in down payment and closing costs assistance. The program is available for prospective first-time homebuyers wanting to purchase homes located in the following counties, only:
- Clay
- Duval
- Hillsborough
- Osceola
- Pasco
Prospective first-time homebuyers, please check back on March 4, 2019 on Florida Housing’s Homebuyer Programs Wizard for more program information, income and purchase price limits, participating lenders and Realtors® and additional qualifications.
The Florida HHF Elderly Mortgage Assistance Program (ELMORE) is designed to assist seniors who are in arrears on their reverse mortgage (also known as a HECM—home equity conversion mortgage) by providing up to $50,000 to pay past due and future property charges, so that they may avoid foreclosure and can stay in their homes.
Florida homeowners with a reverse mortgage may apply for the Florida ELMORE Program through the toll-free ELMORE Application and Information Line at 1-(800) 601-3534. A live HECM-certified ELMORE advisor will assist applicants with the process. The ELMORE website, www.FloridaELMORE.org, contains important information regarding the program, including detailed eligibility criteria and answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs).
Applications for Florida Hardest-Hit Fund UMAP, MLRP, and PR Programs have closed. If you already have a completed application, please contact your assigned advisor for additional information or call 1-877-863-5244. For homeowners looking for additional foreclosure prevention programs Click here to view information on the Foreclosure Counseling Program.
Unemployment Mortgage Assistance Program (UMAP) - CLOSED
Provided up to 12 months of payments (with a cap of $24,000, whichever comes first) paid directly to the mortgage lender to assist unemployed or underemployed borrowers with their first mortgage. In addition, up to $18,000 could be paid to help satisfy all or some of any past due amounts owed to the mortgage lender; this assistance would have been paid prior to the UMAP payments beginning and cannot exceed $18,000 total. Total assistance available was up to $42,000.
Mortgage Loan Reinstatement Payment (MLRP) Program - CLOSED
Used as a one-time payment to the mortgage lender to help satisfy all or some of any past due amounts owed on the first mortgage, only. This assistance could not exceed $25,000 total, and any past due amounts over and above the $25,000 could not be paid by the MLRP program and were the responsibility of the homeowner.
Principal Reduction (PR) Program - CLOSED
Was designed to assist eligible homeowners by providing up to $50,000 to reduce the principal balance of the first mortgage, only, thereby reducing the loan-to-value (LTV) of their outstanding principal loan balance to no less than 100 percent
• Click here for Florida Housing's Hardest Hit Fund Reports
HHF Testimonial Video
• Click here for client testimonials from Florida Housing's Hardest-Hit Fund program.
To report allegations of waste, fraud, abuse, misconduct or other misconduct abuses, you may file a complaint with Florida Housing's Office of Inspector General. Please complete and submit the online complaint form for the OIG to review at Report Fraud, Waste or Abuse or send an email to OIG@floridahousing.org.
SIGTARP (Office of the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program)
• Click here if you have a tip about potential waste, fraud or abuse in the Troubled Asset Relief
please report it to SIGTARP by filling out the below form