Florida Housing's Newsroom
Welcome to Florida Housing's Newsroom. This room is designed to be a resource center for the media and others interested in Florida Housing's recent news, activities and events. Here you will find our most recent press releases, copies of publications and other materials about our programs such as our Annual Report, quarterly newsletter and other printed documents.
For the Media - Current Hot Topics at Florida Housing
Florida Hardest-Hit Fund Program - The “Housing Finance Agency Innovation Fund for the Hardest-Hit Housing Markets” (HFA Hardest-Hit Fund) was announced by Treasury on February 19, 2010 as a means to provide meaningful financial support for families in the nation’s hardest-hit housing markets. To date, Florida is slated to receive more than a billion dollars as one of 18 states and the District of Columbia that will share in $7.5 billion in funding through this program.
For more information, please contact Taylore Maxey, Communications and Business Continuity Manager, at (850) 488-4197 or via email at Taylore.Maxey@floridahousing.org.